As far as I can remember, the desire to create a lasting legacy was always in the forefront of my mind. I desired to make something of my life, establish a great career, get married and have children, own a family home and business, and grow leaders. With the many struggles and challenges along my path to purpose, I sometime felt that I would not be able to achieve my goals and dreams.
There has been so many stops and starts and lessons learned from being naive or lacking maturity. My desire to impact the lives of others remained the greatest propelling force.
In the Bible we are urged to “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves”. When you are divinely guided you can be assured that your successes will be directly connected to your Divine life design. Be careful of the ego here and endeavor to stay grounded by anchoring to whose you are. You cannot do anything without your Creator. Remember this and aspire to maintain a spirit of humility at all times.
Do not forget the efforts of those who have supported and helped you to arrive at where you are today. It is quite easy to forget that you are nothing without the breath that was breathed into you by God. It would not have been possible to accomplish all you have without this ability to breathe.
Consistently maintain a spirit of humility. An example of true humility is seen in the story of Mary and Elizabeth in the book of Luke. Elizabeth when she greeted Mary who was excited to be the mother of Jesus in Luke 1:43, though pregnant at the same time that Mary came to express her joy, did not say, “and what about me didn’t you notice I was carrying John the Baptist into the world as well?” Embrace the gifts of others.
I am amazed and proud of those individuals whom I have coached; some of them have taken the results from their coaching sessions and have created successes far beyond themselves or my coaching. I am forever grateful to have been a part of their journeys and will always be one of their biggest cheerleaders. I will always be grateful to those who referred my services to others. Thank you for your vote of confidence. You believed in me and the work I do and passed on your experience and recommendation to others whose lives I have had the privilege to impact.
Sometimes you may have challenges with those your are aligned with, but it is important to recognize their value and focus on the goodness they brought into your life, whether it be through a job well done or lesson learned.
Your life is influencing those around you whether you are aware of it or not. What you need to affect other’s lives is right in your hands – at our fingertips.
Think About It:
Be honest with yourself and begin to list the kind of legacy you want to leave in this world there. Write down thoughts that will lead you to greater growth and development in your life and those you will influence.
Influence Legacy Assessment (Answer the following questions):
Do I have influence? Describe what that looks like currently.
What does it mean for me to be a leader?
Hopelyn Mullings Brown, DSL, MBA, BSW ...
Author, Speaker, and Financial Coach who help female professionals and entrepreneurs awaken their dreams, design a path to their dreams, and take intentional steps to overcome setbacks and live emPowered lives; creating a legacy for generations.
Your dreams brought to life is just moments away from you taking the first step!
Transform Your Life ... Transform Your World